Volunteer Policy

Policy drafted by SOEC Safety Committee April 8, 2019

Information Updated July 2023



Sherman Oaks Elementary Charter

Volunteer Policy



We hope that you will decide to become a volunteer at our school.  All volunteers must have an online application on file as well as a hard copy application in the main office.   If you wish to become a Tier 2 or Tier 3 volunteer, you will also need to be fingerprinted. 










Tier 1 Volunteer


Tier 2

Volunteer (requires fingerprinting)


Tier 3

Volunteer (requires fingerprinting)



Single Event Volunteer

(Contact teacher and/or administration)


Classroom Volunteer


One-on-one tutor/small group assistant



On-Demand Safety Parent/Guardian


Room Parent (works in the classroom)


Overnight Field Trip Chaperone



Room Parent (that does not work in the classroom directly with students)


Office Volunteer


University Interns/Student Teachers



Paws and Go Volunteer


Field Trip Chaperone












 What steps do I need to take to become an SOEC Tier 2/Tier 3 volunteer?

  1. Complete the online registration process and application at http://volunteerapp.lausd.net
  2. Once your online application is complete, all of the information you submit will be entered on the application (TB, fingerprints, proof of covid, Megan’s Law). Additionally, turn in a hard copy of your application to the main office attention Hope Matthews.
  3. Sign the Volunteer Commitment Form online and bring a hard copy to the school office and turn in to the Main Office.
  4. Tuberculosis test clearance by a medical provider (give the results via hard copy to Hope Matthews AP Main Office. Results may also be emailed to [email protected] or sent via ParentSquare to Hope Matthews.
  5. Get fingerprint clearance! Tier 2 and Tier 3 volunteers need fingerprint clearance. Go to http://www.applicantservices.com/LAUVOL.  Results of the clearance will be uploaded to the application by the District.
  6.  Complete LAUSD Profile by going to: Success Factors Profile
  7. The school will check the Megan’s Law website for clearance through http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov.


Volunteer Information

  • A classroom volunteer is defined as anyone interacting directly with students during the instructional day under the supervision of a certificated employee (teacher).
  • Parents coming to attend a classroom performance do not need to be fingerprinted or have an application on file.
  • Volunteers must complete all steps of the District’s Volunteer Application online at http://volunteerapp.lausd.net (Volunteer Management System).  Print out a hard copy of the completed Volunteer Application and Volunteer Commitment Form and submit to the Main Office.
  • Volunteers that wish to attend a field trip with a classroom whether a day trip or overnight, must be fingerprinted and have clearance through the Volunteer Management System.  Clearance takes time so do not wait till the last minute.
  • School aged students (6th grade-12th grade) that wish to volunteer must be students of LAUSD, and must complete Attachment L and receive approval before volunteering in the classroom.  Students that show up to volunteer without notice will be turned away.  This form may be picked up in the main office.
  • University interns and volunteers associated with community organizations are required to complete the Volunteer Application and go through the health and safety screening process that includes fingerprint clearance. Contact Hope Matthews for details.
  • Fingerprinting needs to be completed just once during the volunteer service.  If a two-year lapse of volunteering occurs, the volunteer will need to be re-fingerprinted.
  • Fingerprinting appointments can be made by going to http://www.applicantservices.com/LAUVOL.
  • Parents that wish to visit their child during recess or lunchtime will need to check out their child from school.  Parents/volunteers will not be permitted to visit or sit with their child at the lunch tables.
Health and Safety Overview of Volunteer Requirements 

 Health Clearance Requirements for Volunteers

  1. TB test clearance, signed by a healthcare provider, on file in the main office.  Valid 4 years.
  2. In lieu of TB test, results of negative chest X-ray and the date it was read may be accepted.  Chest X-ray results will only be accepted with documented proof of a previous positive TB test.
  3. A Tuberculosis Physician/Clinic Form (Attachment I1) may be picked up in the Main Office.   However, a form the clinic/doctor is sufficient.
  4. Proof of COVID Vaccinations must be uploaded to the Daily Pass.

Safety Security Clearance Requirements for Volunteers

  1. Megan’s Law /Sex Offender Clearance
  2. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice (DOJ) fingerprinting
  3. Fingerprinting does not need to be done each school year unless there is a two year lapse of volunteering.
Important Attachments/Links